Changes to My study programe


Im very desconcertado with My career. 

I really thought that the currículum it was good and enjoyed but in the practic has been bored and desmotivante. I don't learned all what I wanted or I imagined,

The career si very confused, with a lot of areas in the music, but all that stuff are unclear and old matters.

The friends are a thing that I appreciate in the career, but the truth is that we are a short group in the faculty.

The faculty is very depressed in the infrastructure. A building with ten plants, without green-areas. Out are "the pasaje", a space what literally are a passage with bizarre persons and bad smells.

Sede Alfonso Letelier Llona

The technology in the faculty is a poor thing. The pc in the library are old, ando i really don´t use them. We don't have projectors in the classrooms. And the elevators are very very very old, thats terrifying.

Finally, i feel like a guinea pig with the teaching methods, because the curriculum are change continually. The teachers are good but they too don't understand what is the way that the career is the correct.

Obviusly i still i love músic. Always I Will love it. I´m very negative today, that's all.

Mongolian Chop Squad en Español - Crunchyroll
